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If you'd like to receive Sarah Bacaller's new novel—
'She, Tenacity'—in twice-weekly email instalments, 
sign up below.

Begins 1 April, 2022.*

More about the novel: 

How can you forge a future if you're so busy dealing with today, you can’t see ahead? 

Gab is bright, empathic and takes life as it comes. Living in rural Australia with her struggling Mum, Gina, and little brother Jack, there’s always so much going on. Gab’s teacher, Mr. Cheng, and her farmer friend, Tony, are keen to see Gab reach beyond her current circumstances. But they don't understand that Gab's vocational choices are entirely shaped by her responsibilities to her family. 

Suddenly, things change. As home-life reaches a new crisis point, Gab’s chains are unexpectedly broken. Her newfound freedom brings new opportunities … but Gina's grip on her daughter remains. As Gab struggles for independence, something she never could have imagined threatens to bring her world crashing down around her. Can Gab break free of her past and build a life stronger and better than she has ever known? As consequences unfold, it will take all Gab's courage to push on.

*This email serial novel is entirely free. If you get hooked on the story and don't want to wait for the next instalment, the book will be available for purchase online as an eBook and paperback, with 50% of royalties going to The Babes Project.
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